Looking for an ornament with your name or the name of a friend on it? This is a snowman with a name. LIMITED SUPPLY AVAILABLE - (FOR MORE OPTIONS CHOOSE THE NAMED SNOWGLOBE ORNAMENT(2024), or NAMED ANGEL SNOWMAN ORNAMENT(2023) or NAMED GNOME ORNAMENTS(2021)).
If your name starts with the letter J to Z -Choose the name from the dropdown menu or if you can't find your name go to the name on a snowman ornament Blank & A to Ja - then choose blank.
If you can't find your name and would like us to personalize a blank snowman please write your name in the note on the cart.
Names will be hand printed in black and there is no extra charge for personalization.
We can not refund items after they have been personalized.
All items may not be exactly as shown.
3" Polystone, Fabric